About us

I'm Kylan, but most people just call me K.Y. I founded NCU in March 2023, with one simple idea in mind: a brand for people who don’t give a f*ck. Nonchalant University isn’t just a brand—it’s a mindset. It’s about teaching people to live life on their own terms, without stressing over other people’s opinions.

Let’s be real: everyone has something to say, but who cares? That was my biggest challenge in building this brand—I spent too much time worrying about what others thought, and it held me back. The truth is, you can’t let other people’s opinions control your peace or your path.

At the end of the day, life’s too short to be anything but yourself. So, welcome to Nonchalant University—where we teach you how to live life, unapologetically. Just do you.

Welcome to NCU!